My favorite taste is chocolate. I love everything chocolate. I would have it every day, in every way, if I could. But I can't, so I just close my eyes & imagine that I can taste it.
Most of the chocolate desserts that I consume are when I go out to dinner. I only make very easy desserts - usually from mixes. I know of some fast chocolate snacks that anyone can do, so I've included them here. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.
Chocolate Leaves
- 2 oz semi-sweet chocolate per 10-12 leaves
- rose or lemon leaves (washed & dry)
Melt chocolate in double boiler & allow to cool for a couple of minutes. Spread thinly onto vein-side of leaves with pastry brush. Remember to leave a little of the leaf edge uncovered, so that it'll be easier to separate. Place leaves chocolate side-up on baking sheet lined with wax paper. Refrigerate until set. Gently peel off leaves starting from stem. Handling chocolate leaves too much will cause them to melt or lose shape.
Chocolate leaves are good to eat alone or as a topping on ANY dessert.
They even work with yogurt.

Chocolate cups
- 4 oz semi-sweet chocolate
- kiwi halves
- pitted cherries
Melt chocolate in double boiler & allow to cool a bit. Then spread chocolate in the insides of paper cupcake liners. Freeze for 10 minutes. Repeat process for second and third coats. Fill with kiwi fruit & cherries. I usually add a little whip cream on top.

Chocolate covered fruits
2 pints strawberries, or 6 mandarin oranges (sliced) or pears (sliced)
- 6 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips or white chocolate (chopped)
Melt chocolate in double boiler. Dip in individual pieces of fruit & place on baking sheet lined with wax paper. Refrigerate until set (5-10 minutes).
Instead of choosing just one of the chocolates, both can be used. Set with one type, & then dip into the other type & set again. Melted chocolate should be kept in double boiler to hold in heat during this process.

French milkshake
- 2 scoops chocolate ice cream
- 4 tablespoons grenadine syrup
- 1/2 cup milk
Drop the ice cream into a chilled glass. Pour in syrup & milk. Stir until smooth.
One serving.

Chocolate float
- 1 1/4 cups milk
- 2 heaping tablespoons Ovaltine
- 2 heaping tablespoons sweetened cocoa powder
- 4 scoops chocolate ice cream
Frappe milk, Ovaltine, cocoa, and two scoops of ice cream in blender. Pour into two tall glasses & float a scoop of chocolate ice cream in each.
Two servings