The best summer I ever spent was in Europe. I was staying in Paris from the end of May till the end of August. My apartment was nice and big and I had some great roommates. I also made some cool friends from all over the world that I still keep in touch with. I've never enjoyed such leisure and relaxation as I had during that summer of '98. I visited as many places as I had time to, while taking French classes. Europe was everything I could want from a vacation, except that it was cold most of the time. The only heat wave I experienced was in Italy, although the south of France was also pretty hot. The following photos are some of my favorites from that time.
My first roommate, Elisa (Italian) on our first walk down the Champs-Elysees.
HP & Jessica (Americans) before we went into the streets for the kick-off for the World Cup '98.
Christian (Swedish) in a cramped kitchen with a great view of Paris.
Martjke (Dutch) on the grounds of Versailles - the whole place was groomed to perfection.
One of the many gorgeous views of le Jardin de Luxembourg.
My next roomies were 2 darling Swedish girls - Matilda & Caroline.
A view of my favorite country in Europe - Belgium - from the top of a belfry (we had to climb up to the top).
I love the people, the food, & the waterways of Belgium - really romantic at night even if your only there with friends.
A little after-dinner get-together among the students.
John (Philly/NY) & my roommate Lila (Guam) when we went to Lyon.
Watching the World Cup Soccer finals at Chilis (American) Bar & Grill in Paris.
Bartek looking out over the Emerald Coast in Bretagne.
Posing at our favorite sculpture at the Musee d'Orsay - we're big fans of polar bears.